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Onemda Weekly eNews - Friday 12 May, 2023


Dear Participants, Families & Carers,

As always, there is plenty to catch up on in this issue, so please take time to check the updates below, as some information may affect you, or the person in your care.



A few weeks ago, we shared the good news story of the incredible donation we received from Doncaster East Cricket Club & Bendigo Bank at the Ladies Lunch fundraising event organised by DECC.

On Monday, we welcomed representatives from the cricket club and Bendigo Bank to our Onemda Main Campus and presented them with a certificate of appreciation. In return they presented Onemda cricket participants with participation medals (for taking part in a cricket program that their members help with) and a large cheque for $10,100!!

The funds donated will be used to provide 2 interactive touch screens for participants to use in our program rooms. The screens will allow everyone the opportunity to engage in learning, connect with peers at other sites (via screen) and use the internet, etc.

Onemda are extremely grateful to have committed community partnerships like these – a huge thanks again to Doncaster East Cricket Club & Bendigo Bank.



The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has released a Supported Decision Making Policy on the decisions participants make about the NDIS, such as applying for support, goal setting and how they use their supports in their plan.  The policy recognises that supporting participants to make decisions is a responsibility of many people, from families and provider organisations to government agencies. It sets out how these decisions should be made with due respect for the participant’s rights, dignity and autonomy.

You can read the policy and find out more here



If you know someone who is leaving school this year and may be interested in joining Onemda, please forward this invitation on to them!

By attending one of our Transition Information Evenings, you will get to hear all about Onemda’s awesome programs and supports, take a tour, and get important information to help you through the transition process. You can talk directly with our friendly team and ask any questions you may have to help you prepare for the year ahead!

  • Where:   Doncaster East Main Campus & Glenroy LLS Campus
  • When:    Doncaster East – (NEXT WEEK!) TUESDAY 16th May, 5 – 6:30pm & Glenroy – TUESDAY 23rd May, 5 – 6:30pm    



The Victorian Government has some useful information available about COVID-19 for people with disability and people caring for them. The website includes how to stay ahead of COVID-19, medicines available, testing, vaccination information and other handy resources.

You can visit the website here for more information



Thank you to all of you who have returned the Consent Form. The NDIS requires that every participant in Onemda programs returns a completed Consent Form. This is needed to comply with their regulations and to ensure we can continue to deliver services to you or the person in your care.

If you are yet to return your form, someone from Onemda will call you soon to follow up.

If you have any questions about this form, or how to return it to us, please contact us without delay. You can email Onemda’s Contracts Administrator on [email protected] or call us on 9842 1955.



The Housing Hub website is a great way for people with disability to find suitable housing. It also has a library of useful info about housing options (including Specialist Disability Accommodation), supporting people with disability to work out what is wanted and needed in a home.

You can view the Housing Hub website here



Do you wish to live independently in supported accommodation or within your family home? This FREE course will help you learn valuable skills to assist with being able to live independently confidently and safely.

This class is scheduled to begin on Monday 22 May – please visit the website for more info.





RINGWOOD – Pathways to Independence & Employment (PIE)

Ringwood PIE Campus has been out and about keeping busy – never a dull moment with our group. Our weekly schedule keeps us working hard - from Box Hill TAFE certificates in Hospitality and Health Care, to work skill related activities and some Creative Arts and Drama.

We have also had the opportunity to be involved in some interesting community visits for term 2. The South Warrandyte CFA station welcomed us through their doors and gave us an opportunity to look behind the scenes at their Fire Station and all the interesting equipment that is involved in being a firefighter. It was amazing to see different details of the job site and what these amazing people do to keep their workplace safe and ready. 

We also experienced a wood turning session. Koonung Cottage invited us to join the men who meet each week to socialise and create amazing pieces on the lathes. Our group enjoyed making what is known as a dingler, which is a tool that helps in the garden to create holes in the soil to plant seeds.

Thank you to both our community visit services for their time and for the opportunity to learn and explore. Both experiences have been a real highlight for the term!


Stay warm and we hope you enjoy your weekend! Please remember; you are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions or need information.


Just call on 9842 1955 or use the email addresses below.



Kind regards,

The Onemda Team