Onemda Weekly eNews - Friday 5 May, 2023
Dear Participants, Families & Carers,
As always, there is plenty to catch up on in this issue, so please take time to check the updates below, as some information may affect you, or the person in your care.
Inclusion Australia’s, ‘Everyone Can Work’ website is full of helpful and accessible information about employment and finding a job for people with an intellectual disability and their families. It explains some of the words and processes in easy-to-understand language to help people on their employment journey.
You can view the EVERYONE CAN WORK website here
The NDIS requires that every participant in Onemda programs returns a completed Consent Form. This is needed to comply with their regulations and to ensure we can continue to deliver services to you or the person in your care.
If you have already returned your form, thank you. If you have any questions about this form, or how to return it to us, please contact us without delay. You can email Onemda’s Contracts Administrator on [email protected] or call us on 9842 1955.
As mentioned last week… If you have been considering increasing the number of days you attend Onemda programs, and have funding available, we currently have openings in various programs across our campuses! Traditionally, these places fill very quickly, so we wanted to offer existing program participants the opportunity to extend their services before they are all snapped up by new enrolments.
If you are interested, please speak to your Campus Coordinator without delay, to see whether we have capacity in the areas that will suit you.
Are you, or someone you know looking for a new job opportunity? Onemda are always looking for great people to join our team. We currently have vacancies for:
- Physiotherapist | Eastern Suburbs | PT/FT
- Exercise Physiologist | Eastern & Northern Suburbs | PT/FT
- Occupational Therapist | Glenroy | PT
- Disability Educator | Eastern Suburbs | FT/PT/Casual
- Disability Educator Support - FT/PT/Casual
- as well as volunteering opportunities!
If you are interested in any of our available roles, or know anyone who might be a good fit, please click on the link below and feel free to share with your connections.
View current job opportunities here!
If you know someone who is leaving school this year and may be interested in joining Onemda, please forward this invitation on to them!
By attending one of our Transition Information Evenings, you will get to hear all about Onemda’s awesome programs and supports, take a tour, and get important information to help you through the transition process. You can talk directly with our friendly team and ask any questions you may have to help you prepare for the year ahead!
Where: Doncaster East Main Campus & Glenroy LLS Campus
When: Doncaster East – 16th May, 5–6:30pm | Glenroy – 23rd May, 5–6:30pm
A reminder, that from mid-May, you may see a couple of unfamiliar fees and charges on your Onemda invoices. These are not new fees – they are in the NDIS Price Guide and your Service Agreement – but we have not been charging them while services were limited due to COVID restrictions. Now that everyone is back on-site and services are running as normal, they will once again be applied, so we wanted to remind you what they are, and what they cover.
Firstly, the Early Drop-Off & Late Pick-Up charge applies when a program participant is dropped off before 9am or picked up after 3pm, to cover the cost of the additional staff required to makes sure each individual is safe and well looked after while on-site. The charge is based on how long the person is on-site out of program hours.
The second charge is the Activity-Based Transport charge, which helps cover the cost of providing transport to and from community-based activities. It is based on the kilometres travelled per fortnight, and covers the costs involved in running and maintaining our fleet of vehicles which provide vital transport to these popular and important activities.
If you have any questions about these, or any of Onemda’s charges, you are welcome to contact us on 9842 1955.
By becoming an Onemda member, you make a vital contribution to supporting the work we do, now and into the future. Membership is available to family members and the general community. We are managed by a voluntary Board, comprising of parents, business, and community representatives.
Annual membership is just $5 per person, or $10 per family.
You can find out more about Onemda Membership here
This is a safety reminder when using our car parks at drop off and pick up times. Please pay attention to your surroundings (and refrain from using your phone) and drive at a low speed to minimise the risk of accidents.
The safety of all participants, staff, families and carers, is of utmost importance to Onemda and we want everyone to be able to enter and exit our campuses safely at all times. Thank you for understanding.
DONCASTER EAST – Pathways to Independence & Employment (PIE)
Staff and participants returned from a break feeling refreshed and ready to go! They’ve hit the road running with programs resuming as usual.
We welcomed Max to the campus this term and it feels like he’s always been here – the group have loved welcoming a new face and making a new friend.
My Plan letters have been sent out and appointments will soon be made with families and carers. This is a great way to have an in-depth conversation and discuss goals and any other information you would like us to know for the person in your care.
Finally, we are patiently waiting for Horse Riding to resume – as soon as everything is ticked off, everyone is more than ready to ‘get back on the horse’ – so to speak!
We hope you enjoy your weekend and please remember; you are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions or need information.
Just call on 9842 1955 or use the email addresses below.
- Participant Absences – [email protected]
- General Enquiries – [email protected]
- Accounts Enquiries – [email protected]
- Service Agreement / Schedule of Support Enquiries - [email protected]
Kind regards,
The Onemda Team