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Onemda's 55th Annual General Meeting

Post Created: 18 September 2024

Onemda will be hosting its 55th Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 09th October, 2024.

WHEN: Wednesday 09 October, 2024

TIME: 5.15pm arrival for 5.30pm start

WHERE: Onemda Main Campus - 123 Andersons Creek Road, Doncaster East, VIC 3109

RSVP: Register today by clicking this link or call on (03) 9842 1955



How To Become a Member

Membership of Onemda is available to family members and the general community.

Membership is $5 per person and $10 per family. Members have a right to vote at Annual General Meetings or Special Meetings and attend special events.

If you would like to become a member please complete the registration form and email it to [email protected], or contact Onemda (03) 9842 1955.

Keynote Speaker

Karen Pearce OAM

Executive Manager Equity, Growth and Development at Football Victoria

Karen Pearce OAM has over 25 years of extensive experience championshing diversity, equity and inclusion in sport settings. In 2018 Karen was the joint winner of the VicSport Sport Administrator and in 2021 was awarded an Order of Australia Medal for services to sport administration in these fields. 

Karen believes that to drive change, takes courage, resilience, influence, understanding and empathy. Her passion for DEI to be embraced as part of the overall business, drives her to help shift mindsets and beliefs enabling people and organisations to adapt, lead change, and propel growth outcomes that not only leave a lasting impact, but the creation of a much safer and more welcoming world.