Onemda Weekly eNews - Friday 24 March, 2023
Dear Participants, Families & Carers,
Happy Harmony Week to everyone in our Onemda community!
Please make sure you take the time to check this week’s updates as some information may affect you, or the person in your care.
Harmony Week is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community. Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world and we should celebrate this and work to maintain it.
The message of Harmony Week is everyone belongs. It is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.
Onemda staff celebrated yesterday with a shared lunch, bringing together different cultural dishes to recognise everyone’s backgrounds.
Happy Harmony Week to everyone in our Onemda community!
Find out more about Harmony Week here.
We’ve had some incidents of phishing emails reported internally at Onemda. Unfortunately, scam emails, text messages and phone calls are occurring more and more often in Australia, and this is just a friendly reminder to always stay vigilant. Don’t click on any links, or provide personal or financial information if something doesn’t feel right…
If you ever receive an email (or any form of communication) from Onemda that you feel unsure about, or would just like to double check, please contact us immediately on [email protected] or phone us on 0398421955. You can always talk with our friendly team to see if what you have received is a legitimate communication before proceeding any further.
DONCASTER EAST – High Care & Wellbeing (HCW)
We have reconnected with our Music Therapist, Adam! Adam facilitated a Music Therapy program before COVID interruptions and we ALL (staff and participants alike), couldn’t be happier that he is back to run this program. Adam tailors the program to suit all needs and he engages the participants and encourages their participation throughout each session.
We have 2 new programs available this year - Social and Communication (which includes the Onemda Participant Council) and Stephanie Alexander. These programs also include Living, Learning & Social Skills (LLS) participants, and are run by the LLS staff. Both new programs are going well, and attendees are enjoying the social interaction with their peers.
Stephen and Gerald from Brite Industries visited us on Tuesday to do a Brike trial!
The Brike is a three-wheeler, battery power assist, pedal cycle for transporting the rider and a passenger in a wheelchair or a fixed seat. The Brike as a mobility bike was envisioned as part of a closed loop – specially built for people with a disability by people with a disability, ensuring these bikes would help those people lead more independent enriched lives. The trial was a huge success the participants really enjoyed the opportunity to trial the Brike. There were lots of smiles and laughter – fingers crossed Onemda can purchase one in the near future!
If you’d like to discover more about the Brike, you can read more here.
Have a great weekend, hope your footy team wins…and remember, we are always here to help if you have questions or need information.
You can call us on 9842 1955 or use the email addresses below.
- Participant Absences – [email protected]
- General Enquiries – [email protected]
- Accounts Enquiries – [email protected]
- Service Agreement / Schedule of Support Enquiries - [email protected]
Kind regards,
The Onemda Team