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Onemda Weekly eNews - Friday 25 November 2022


Dear Participants, Families & Carers,


Welcome to your weekly news from Onemda as we race towards the end of the year! As always, there are plenty of updates this week, so please take the time to read through as some information may affect you, or the person in your care.




A reminder that time is running out to have your say in our 2022 Onemda Families and Carers’ Survey.

The feedback we receive from the survey is vitally important to help inform our planning for 2023 and beyond, so it’s important as many people as possible provide a response. It will take about 7-17 minutes maximum, depending on how many Onemda services you access and it’s anonymous, so you can be completely honest – we want the results to be a true reflection of the opinions and ideas of our community.

Thanks in advance for your time and your valuable insights! If you have already competed the survey, thank you and please disregard this reminder.



Saturday 3 December is a special day of celebration, acknowledgement and advocacy for people with disabilities. This year, there is no shortage of registered events to take part in, from expos to sports days, art installations and more, there is plenty to enjoy.

Check out the IDPwD community event calendar for events that you can attend in your area, or online, to celebrate International Day of People with Disability.




It’s no secret that the cost of living is increasing right now, and many individuals and families are finding it a challenge to make ends meet. Onemda has been pleased over the past few weeks to connect with the team at CareNet, a volunteer-led service which is helping provide support by building networks and sharing food and other resources.

With the busy and financially draining holiday period coming up, we wanted to share CareNet’s work with you, as many of you may know someone who could benefit from a hand right now, while others may be inspired to support CareNet’s important work.

Anyone in need of supplies can collect hampers of food and grocery items from the CareNet offices between 10am – 12 noon every Tuesday, or from their Mobile Pantry which operates from Warrandyte Neighbourhood House car park between 10am – 12 noon every Wednesday, from the Wonga Park Community Cottage from 12.30 – 2.30pm every second Wednesday, and from Doncaster City Church from 3 – 5pm every Thursday. No referrals or bookings are required – just turn up.

If you are in a position to support the work CareNet does, you can drop donations of non-perishable food items, toiletries and cleaning products to the Manningham Christian Centre in Parker Street, Templestowe. They can also help you organise a food drive at your school, church or workplace, and financial donations can also be accepted.

For more about their work, and all the details on where to drop off supplies and how to donate, just go to the website or give them a call on 9846 7244.




It’s exciting to be actively working and planning towards returning to some pre-COVID activities and programs in 2023. To make sure we can do so safely, though, we do need your cooperation in following our guidelines for COVID-19 and other illnesses.

A few of the major things are outlined below. If you have any questions, please contact us on 98421955, or email [email protected]

Participants who test positive for COVID must not attend Onemda for 7 days even if they do not have symptoms. Participants are not to return until they are symptom free and well. There is no need for a positive case to return a negative test result prior to returning.

Participants who are unwell with any other illness/virus, are not to attend Onemda until symptom free and well. If unwell and onsite, participants must be collected as soon as possible and not return to Onemda until free of illness.

Visitors are allowed onsite, with the following conditions of entry – wearing of a surgical mask, and that they are symptom free and well. All visitors to Onemda should have a scheduled visit, and they should be aware of the conditions of entry prior to coming onsite.



Onemda welcomed the announcement by Bill Shorten in October of a NDIS Review to look at the design, operations, and sustainability of the NDIS.

The NDIS Review is a chance for you to provide your feedback. Its approach is to ‘LISTEN’ and ‘LEARN’ from people who have lived experience of disability, and the ‘PRIORITISE’ actions based on the information received.

There are many ways that you can have your say. Plus, it’s fully accessible, so you can provide your input online, over the phone, via video or by writing in.

Are you ready to have your say about the NDIS?

Whether you are a family member, carer, or participant – your voice is important! Have your say now, by clicking on the link below…




As mentioned last week, we are seeking participants to join an exciting and important research project run by MedTechVic (Swinburne University) in collaboration with Onemda. The research will look at new approaches for enabling better postural support for clients.

If you are someone who understands the impact of positioning on quality of life, the research team is keen to have your expert input.

They are looking for people who:

  • Require postural support, OR
  • People who implement postural support for someone as a carer or therapist.

You will be remunerated for your time.

Please feel free to share this information with your network.





TEMPLESTOWE – Pathways to Independence & Employment (PIE)

Fridays are a very popular day at our campus, with the focus being on Social Connections. Whilst there is always a learning aspect when we head out and about in the community, it also gives participants the opportunity to let their hair down as they enjoy these new experiences.

These excursions are very important for the participants as they reinforce and nurture friendships and relationships in a relaxed and less-formal setting. It’s been a pleasure to watch friendships develop and join in and listen to enthusiastic conversations!

Below is a sample of some of our latest excursions:

  • 14/10/22 - Maling Road in Canterbury for a historical exploration.
  • 28/10/22 - Melbourne Central, Explore Melbourne & Bowling.
  • 4/11/22 - Crown Casino Precinct visit, with lunch & transport training.
  • 11/11/22 - Attending the Remembrance Day Service at Templestowe
  • 18/11/22 - South Bank visit and having a sing at Crown Karaoke!

With only a few weeks to go till the end of the year, there are still a few Fridays available to squeeze in some more exciting excursions for 2022!  

We’ve also been excitedly following one of the Templestowe participants, Luca, as he has represented Victoria in swimming in the Special Olympics Nationals competition in Tasmania recently.

Luca achieved personal bests in the 200m Individual Medley and the 100m Butterfly, came fourth in the 100m Breaststroke and achieved a second place with his 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay team (VIC 02).

Luca is currently on a work placement, but we send him a huge congratulations not just for these achievements, but for his consistently positive attitude and commitment. He says, ‘I have had a good time in Tasmania and want to use it as an inspiration to continue to train for the next four years until I get to my next Nationals.’



Please enjoy the weekend! In the meantime, as always, if you have any questions about anything in this newsletter don’t hesitate to contact us.


Kind regards,

The Onemda Team

P. (03) 9842 1955