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Onemda Weekly eNews - Friday 3 March, 2023


Dear Participants, Families & Carers,

Please make sure you take the time to check this week’s updates as some information may affect you, or the person in your care.



Thank you to those who have already completed our Consent Form. As mentioned last week, the consent form asks you for all the information we need to make sure we can deliver our services and seeks your consent to use and disclose that information if necessary.

If you are yet to return the form to us, please complete and return the Consent forms to [email protected] no later than Friday 10 March.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Onemda’s Contracts Administrator on [email protected] or phone 0398421955.




In 2019-2021, researchers from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) talked with Onemda participants, parents, Onemda staff and external stakeholders about the most important aspects of programs and services that should be monitored and evaluated, and how that might be done.

Using this information – along with evidence from published research UTS & Onemda co-designed an Evaluation Framework model.

We would now like to speak with you and explore: 

  • How we can improve the Co-designed Evaluation Framework model
  • The key barriers and enablers to implementing this model at Onemda; and 
  • Strategies to make it easier to implement the Co-designed Evaluation at Onemda. 

This information will help us share and refine co-designed evaluation at Onemda.

If you would like more information, please contact –




A reminder that there is a long weekend coming up. Please make sure you mark your diaries and plan for this closure date.

MARCH, MONDAY 13TH 2023 (Labour Day Public Holiday)

To view all important calendar dates for 2023, please click here




This week we recognise International Wheelchair Day on 1 March, with a special shout out to all those who use wheelchairs. The day is recognised around the world with events and activities for wheelchair users to celebrate the positive impact the use of wheelchairs has on their lives.


Here at Onemda, we know many of our community benefit from the use of wheelchairs, and we are committed to supporting them to enjoy maximum mobility and participation while avoiding any issues. As well as general therapy services, we offer pressure mapping and posture planning services, and also regularly take part in research which informs and improves practices across the sector.


Currently, we are involved in a research study, which is looking at new approaches for enabling better postural support for clients. You can find out more by clicking on the link here.




The Rotary Club of Doncaster Presents… GOOD VIBRATIONS All Abilities Disco!


Get ready to get your groove on, at this fun-filled event!

  • Date: Saturday, March 18, 2023
  • Time: 7pm – 10pm
  • Location: Tende Beck Scout Hall – 5 High Street, Doncaster East


To find out more, please contact Liz on 0402 756 660.


Onemda does not endorse externally provided services or events, but we are happy to share details of this event with our Onemda community.



This is a request we’re passing on from Kylie, a parent of an Onemda participant at our Doncaster East Main Campus. Kylie is currently exploring transport options to and from Onemda for her family member and is keen to connect with other families (who attend this campus), to see if there is interest in organising shared bus transport and explore what may be possible.

To connect with Kylie, she has provided the following link.

This link is confidential and we ask that you do not share it outside of our Onemda community. Thank you.




Glenroy – Living, Learning & Social Skills (LLS)

Glenroy LLS have had a busy, but great start to the year. We have started some new programs and partnerships within neighbouring suburbs, and we’ve also welcomed some new group members which has been great!

Our partnership with Brite industries in Broadmeadows has seen a group from Onemda take part in learning a variety of different jobs. These have included packing, folding cardboard boxes, planting and more. Everyone has been enjoying this partnership as it provides a great work skills opportunity and work experience.

Certificate 1 Education Transition has also started via Box Hill TAFE every Wednesday in collaboration with the Glenroy Pathways group, which is a very positive experience for those involved. Participants in this program enjoy the cross-campus connection, and it provides great opportunities for social interaction and communication.

We have also been attending Reynard Street, Coburg Neighbourhood House, where group members can take part in gardening, making mosaics, community lunches, arts, and craft and other fun, social activities.

Our creative group have been busily working on an art project to enter at an art display run through Merri-bek City Council. The artists have been enjoying expressing themselves creatively and are excited to share their work with the wider community.

We are getting ready to take part in the ‘World’s Greatest Shave’ later this month to support the Leukemia Foundation. Rumour has it that Campus Lead, Indy will be shaving his head to raise funds and awareness…watch this space!

There’s never a dull moment at our Glenroy Campus. In other news, staff member Sue has been teaching keyword sign language to some of the group and we are also planning to have some reptiles and furry animals onsite for an incursion in the coming weeks. We are pleased to provide a fun-filled, learning experience for the Glenroy LLS program participants – it’s been a great start to 2023 and we look forward to updating you again soon.


We hope you enjoy the weekend. We’re always here to help if you have questions or need information. You can call us any time on 9842 1955 or use the email addresses below.



Kind regards,

The Onemda Team

P. (03) 9842 1955