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Onemda Weekly eNews - Thursday 6 April, 2023

Dear Participants, Families & Carers,

Hope it’s been a great week, albeit a short one! Please don’t forget that ALL Onemda services and campuses are closed for the Easter break. We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday 11 April!

Please make sure you take the time to check this week’s updates as some information may affect you, or the person in your care.


A reminder that Onemda will close for the annual Easter Break, with no programs or services on Good Friday 7 April (tomorrow), or Easter Monday 10 April.

All programs and services will resume as usual on Tuesday 11 April.

You can always check closure dates on our Important Dates Calendar, or contact us on
9842 1955 if you have any queries.


The Autumn edition of our Onemda Insight quarterly newsletter was a bumper issue, filled with stories and important industry news which may be of interest to you or the person in your care.

If you missed this in your inbox on Tuesday, or would like to read it again, you can view it here. We hope you enjoy it!


Thank you to those who have already completed our Consent Form. The consent form asks you for all the information we need to make sure we can deliver our services and seeks your consent to use and disclose that information if necessary.

This information is a mandatory requirement /compliance from NDIS.

If you are yet to return the form to us, please complete and return the Consent forms to [email protected] or return a printed version to us inside the participant communication diary, or pass to the Manager you deal with directly, or if you attend Doncaster East Main Campus, you can hand over to Reception.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Onemda’s Contracts Administrator on [email protected] or phone 0398421955.


Two educators from Onemda – one from our Northern campuses and one from the East - recently attended Autism training run by expert Sue Larkey. They have come back inspired to share their learnings with their colleagues via Stream Meetings to be held over coming days.

We really prioritise this kind of professional learning at Onemda, to make sure all our team members are up to date with the latest learnings and insights, and are equipped to implement best practice in everything we do.


A huge thank you to all the program participants, family members, carers and key support people who took time to attend one of the Morning Teas held at each of Onemda’s campuses over the past couple of weeks.

It’s been a great opportunity to talk about programs, goals, progress and our plans for the future…and to make and renew connections between Onemda staff and our community, and between the important people who belong to each of these campus communities.

We look forward to more events like this over coming months!


With the lifting of the government’s COVID restrictions on providers like Onemda, we are pleased to announce that one of our most-missed services – Xtend out-of-hours activities – will be relaunching as of July.

We will be kicking off with a small program at Doncaster East, with the service to be expanded and extended to other locations as demand dictates and staff can be recruited in what is a very tight labour market.

To gauge interest, we will shortly be calling for expressions of interest in attending Xtend programs one day a week for three hours. This will run as a Program of Support and will be a fun program with a social and recreational focus.

Keep your eyes peeled for your EOI invitation and let us know if you are interested.


THE BASIN – Living, Learning & Social Skills (LLS)

It’s been a busy and exciting few weeks at The Basin!

A number of program participants have been taking part in the ‘Hospitality Hotspot’ course at Box Hill TAFE on a Tuesday where they have been happy to meet up and get to know those from the Doncaster East PIE campus who are attending the same program.

This group has just completed Term 1 of a Semester-long course with facilitator Juni, a qualified baker. They have learnt theory-based content, such as personal hygiene, food contamination, kitchen safety and customer service, and also built practical skills including making coffee using an industrial coffee machine.

Students have practised making different types of coffee including cappuccino, flat white, latte, long black and short black, with a definite highlight being the chance to enjoy our drinks in a café type setting.

The whole group has done a wonderful job navigating around the Box Hill campus and have also enjoyed having lunch in the cafeteria. We are looking forward to catching up with our fellow participants and staff from Doncaster East at a café in Ringwood to really immerse ourselves in ‘café culture’!

Speaking of coffee, The Basin campus enjoyed holding an afternoon tea for parents, families and carers on Monday 27th March. Visitors were able to walk around the campus and finally meet and interact with staff and participants properly since restrictions had eased. Staff were able to talk with everyone and participants had an opportunity to show their families the facility, the activities they were involved in and examples of their work.

Onemda CEO, Simon also joined us, and it was great to have everyone in a room together to have a chat and catch up.


We hope you enjoy your extra-long weekend and please remember; you are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions or need information.

Just call on 9842 1955 or use the email addresses below.

Kind regards,

The Onemda Team